
2017年3月14日—Butinmyopinion,thefirstoneismoretowhatyouthinkandthesecondoneismoretowhatyoufeel/aredoing.,单词Howisitgoingsofar?的词典定义。@海词词典-最好的学习型词典.分享单词到:.以上内容独家创作,受著作权保护,侵权必究 ...,2022年1月7日—ThisisacommongreetinginEnglish,andislikeaskinghowareyoutoday?,thewayyourespondisasifyouwereansweringfortheday.,HowtoAnswer“How'sItGoing?”inAnySituation·1“I'mdo...

"How are you finding it so far?" 和"How is it going so far?" ...

2017年3月14日 — But in my opinion, the first one is more to what you think and the second one is more to what you feel/are doing.

How is it going so far?在线翻译

单词How is it going so far? 的词典定义。@海词词典-最好的学习型词典. 分享单词到:. 以上内容独家创作,受著作权保护,侵权必究 ...

How is your day going so far? How do I answer this one?

2022年1月7日 — This is a common greeting in English, and is like asking how are you today?, the way you respond is as if you were answering for the day.

How to Respond to "How's It Going

How to Answer “How's It Going?” in Any Situation · 1 “I'm doing well!” · 2 “Not great.” · 3 “I guess it could be worse.” · 4 “Pretty good. You?” · 5 “I've been good.

How's it going so far?

2022年8月14日 — So if my friend is recovering from surgery, I'd say How's it going so far? But if I'm just asking about her well-being in general, I'd ask  ...

it going so far - Translation into French

Translations in context of it going so far in English-French from Reverso Context: And how is it going so far?

When someone ask how it's going, what does that mean? ...

2024年1月14日 — It's not really a question, it's more of a verbal acknowledgement of someone's presence. Then again, so is “How are you?” The customary response ...

「How's it going」的使用方法!如何熟練地提問及回覆

2023年9月27日 — 在看外國影劇的時候經常會聽到「How's it going?」這句話。母語人士在日常生活當中經常使用,被當作是與人見面時使用的慣用問候語。

不要再說“How are you”了,老外最常用的打招呼方式,其實是...

不要再說“How are you”了,老外最常用的打招呼方式,其實是... · 1. Hi. · 2. What's up? · 3. Good to see you. · 4. How are things (with you)? · 5. How's it going?

英文打招呼用語14 招!不要只會說“How are you?”

2 天前 — 表示「還好」的各種說法. 至於想表達還行或過得去的時候,常用的說法有:. ○So far so good. 目前一切都不錯○Not ...